Employee Entry Interview as Part of Onboarding Process
When to carry out entry interview, what benefits it can bring to your company, and - above all - what questions are worth asking in such an HR survey?
When to carry out entry interview, what benefits it can bring to your company, and - above all - what questions are worth asking in such an HR survey?
Each training session costs time & money. How to find out if it meets expectations? In this article, I will show you how to measure training effectiveness and how to prepare a post-training evaluation survey.
An e-commerce business is like rhythmic gymnastics. In both cases, the basis is balance. If you put an equal sign between CX and your best offer, satisfied customers will bring repeat purchases to your online store.
In this article, we will show you how to prepare a Pulse Check Survey and what questions to ask in the questionnaire to get relevant feedback to improve employee engagement and well-being.
Email surveys are a quick and easy way to collect information. If you are looking for pro tips regarding embedding surveys in an email, you couldn't be in a better place.
Collecting feedback should be quick, intuitive and convenient for the respondent. It also requires appropriate timing. All these conditions are met by online surveys available with a few clicks on your mobile device, thanks to QR codes.
You can create the best survey, but if you email it to respondents, there is a risk that your message will get lost in the maze of other notifications. How to deal with it?
Double-barreled questions may discourage not only respondents but also distort the survey results. Badly asked questions can destroy even the best questionnaires.