Employee Onboarding Survey

  • 1. Before the first day of work, did you receive information about its course? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 2. If so, was the mileage on the first day consistent with the earlier information?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 3. Which information was most important to you before starting work: *

    You can select several answers.
  • 4. Which pieces of equipment in your workplace were ready for use from day one? *

    You can select several answers.
  • 5. In your opinion, was there any piece of equipment necessary to start work missing on the first day? If so, write what:

  • 6. Have you been assigned a person (buddy) or a team whose task was to put you into work in the first days? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 7. In your opinion, have you obtained sufficient support from the above-mentioned people? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 8. During the first 10 days of work, did you receive information or instructions on: *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Yes Yes, but only partially No
    dress code
    leave reporting procedure
    Health and Safety
    principles of professional promotion
    rules for granting bonuses
    enrollment for training / conferences
    work hours
    breaks at work
    remuneration policy
    benefits available to employees
    non-competition closes
  • 9. Is there anything you missed during your first weeks of work? *

  • 10. After a few weeks, how do you assess the compliance of your expectations related to your new job with reality? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 11. Explain to us what was the non-compliance of reality at work with your expectations?

  • 12. Please state to what extent you agree with the following statements: *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    I strongly disagree I rather disagree I can't say I rather agree I definetly agree
    I feel welcome in my new workplace
    I feel that I can count on the support of my colleagues
    I feel that I can count on the support of my supervisor
    I know what is expected of me at work
    After a few weeks, I feel well prepared to perform my job duties
    I rate the welcome in the company as nice
  • 13. Overall, how would you rate the adaptation process in our company? *

  • 14. Please give a short explanation of your assessment: *

  • 15. How likely is it that you will recommend a friend to work at our company after you finish onboarding? *

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