Remote work - readiness assessment

  • 1. I work in the department: *

    I work in the department:
    You can give only one answer.
  • 2. I will describe my well-being as: *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 3. Write what has the greatest impact on your well-being: *

  • 4. Specify to what extent do you agree with the following statements: *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    I strongly disagree I rather disagree I can't say rather agree I definitely agree
    I feel supported by my supervisor in my efforts to adapt to organizational changes.
    I believe senior management will make the right decisions at this time.
    I now have access to the information I need to get the benefits I need (e.g. employee support, health care benefits, parenting support, updated company procedures, etc.).
    Communication from the company regarding the coronavirus was helpful for me in understanding what I had to do and how to proceed (including tips on safety and well-being, access to benefits, remote work).
    Communication from my company helps me feel more confident in the actions I can take for my own good during this time.
    The announcement spread by the company gives me the information I need right now to continue my work as smoothly as possible.
  • 5. How well do you understand what the company or your supervisor expects from you when working remotely? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 6. How often would you like to receive COVID-19 news from your company? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 7. It is important for our company that the information we provide to you includes all the details needed to continue your work. Do you have all this information? If not, which ones do you need? *

    You can select several answers.
  • 8. Are there any barriers that may prevent you from maintaining your normal work routine when you work from home? *

    Your responses will help us prioritize the allocation of our support resources or reorganize our workflow and hours.
    You can select several answers.
  • 9. Overall, how satisfied were you with the IT support during this period? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 10. Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statements. They all concern the conditions of remote work: *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    I strongly disagree I rather disagree I can't say I rather agree I definitely agree
    While working from home, I have access to all resources (e.g. materials, equipment, technology, support services, etc.) necessary to perform my duties.
    My team is good at online communication
    While working from home, I freely express my ideas and opinions, even if they differ from others.
  • 11. Work culture is extremely important to us. The best ideas often come from within the organization, so we'd like to hear how you think we can maintain our work culture while team members work remotely?

  • 12. What are the biggest challenges that you think you will have to face in contact with your customers in the new reality?

  • 13. This is the last question: would you like to give us any feedback that will help us improve your work or help you during this time?
