Product feedback survey (NPS)

  • 1. How satisfied are you with the cooperation with our company and the use of our products? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 2. Do our products meet your expectations? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 3. How would you rate the individual elements of our offer? *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Very poorly Rather poorly Medium Rather good Very good Not applicable
    Overall product quality
    Value for money
    Shopping experience
    Installation or the first use
    Use of the product
    After-sales service
  • 4. Have you contacted our customer support? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 5. How would you rate our customer support? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 6. What do you think we could do better? *

  • 7. How likely is it that you will decide to purchase our product again in the future? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • 8. Based on your previous experience with our company, rate on a scale of 0-10 , how likely is it that you would recommend our products to your family or friends? *

    I will definitely not recommend

    I will definitely recommend
