  • During the last year, have you made a purchase of a product from any of the indicated categories? *

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Not at all Less often than once a month Once a month Several times a month Once a week A few times a week Everyday
    Category 1
    Category 2
    Category 3
    Category 4
  • What brands of the above-mentioned product categories come to your mind? *

  • Please indicate which of the following brands [product category] do you know? *

    You can select several answers.
  • Please check the statement that best describes your approach when purchasing brands [product category]. *

    You can give only one answer.
  • Which of the following best describes your behavior when selecting a specific brand [product category]? *

    You can give only one answer.
  • Please think about the [brand name] brand. How likely is that you will buy this brand the next time you need [product category]? *

    You can give only one answer.