Non-UK's Perception on Scottish Packaging

  • Welcome to my online survey on the impact of Scottish packaging on products for my Glasgow University Dissertation for my Masters degree in International Strategic Marketing.
  • The questionnaire should not take more than 15 minutes to fill in. Please ensure that the tick box at the start of the questionnaire has been completed, indicating that you consent to include your responses within the data collected. Participants will be anonymous. Once you complete the survey, your results will be securely stored on a password-protected computer and deleted upon project completion. They will be used solely for the study and not shared with others or organisations. Respondents will only be asked questions about the research topic (provided above).
  • 1. Do you consent to participating in this survey and for your responses to be used for the purpose of the study?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 2. What is your gender?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 3. What is your highest level of education?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 4. What is your age?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 5. Which country do you currently live in?

  • 6. Is this the same country you were born and raised in?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 7. Have you ever visited Scotland?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 8. If yes, how would you rate your overall experience in Scotland?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 9. How familiar are you with Scottish culture and heritage?

    Not familiar at all

    Very familiar

  • 10. When you think of Scotland, what are the first three things that come to your mind?

  • 11. When you are choosing a Scottish product, what helps convey that it is Scottish?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 12. If you were designing Scottish product packaging, which of the below would you choose to include in the visual design?

    Click to activate
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    • j 11.
  • 13. What imagery comes to mind when you think of Scotland?

    Click to activate
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    • j 10.
  • 14. In general, how important is the Country of Origin when making product purchase decisions?

    Not relevant

    Highly relevant

  • 15. Which of the following factors influence your buying decisions from a different country? (Select all that apply)

    You can select several answers.
  • 16. "Packaging impacts my purchasing intentions and the quality perception", To what extent do you agree with this statement?

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
    "Packaging impacts my purchasing intentions and the quality perception"  
  • 17. How willing are you to spend more on Scottish products?

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Very Unwilling Unwilling Neutral Willing Very Willing
    I would be...  
  • 18. Would you be willing to pay more for authentically-produced Scottish ingredients/materials?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 19. How important is the presentation of Scottish products on store shelves in influencing your perception of their quality?

  • 20. How do you perceive the quality of Scottish products compared to products from other countries?

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Much higher Higher About the same Lower Much lower
    Scottish Products' Quality  
  • 21. How would packaging, with information about the product's Scottish origin and production methods, affect your views on its quality?

  • 22. How likely are you to purchase Scottish products in the future?

    You can give only one answer in a row.
    Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely
    Likelihood to buy Scottish products  
  • Thanks for answering everything so far! The next page has a short exercise with ranking potential Scottish packaging.