Exploring AI's Potential to Break the Fourth Dimension: Time

  • 1. Have you ever used AI technology before?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 2. Which AI applications are you familiar with?

    You can select several answers.
  • 3. In what ways do you think AI can impact the concept of time?

  • 4. Do you believe AI has the potential to manipulate time?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 5. Which industries do you think will benefit the most from AI's time-related capabilities?

    You can select several answers.
  • 6. How do you envision AI changing our perception of time in the future?

  • 7. Would you be comfortable with AI predicting your future actions based on your past behavior?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 8. Which ethical considerations should be taken into account when developing AI with time-related capabilities?

    You can select several answers.
  • 9. How can AI be used to improve time management skills?

  • 10. Do you think AI will eventually be able to control time itself?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 11. Which time-related challenges can AI help solve in the future?

    You can select several answers.
  • 12. What concerns do you have about AI's impact on the concept of time?

  • 13. Would you trust AI to make decisions that affect your future?

    You can give only one answer.
  • 14. Which time-related phenomena do you think AI can help us better understand?

    You can select several answers.
  • 15. How do you think AI's impact on time will shape the future of humanity?
