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Khan Academy User Experience Survey

Detailed survey to assess Khan Academy user experience.

1. How often do you use the Khan Academy website?

2. Which subject do you use Khan Academy for the most?

3. What features of Khan Academy do you find the most helpful?

4. How would you rate the quality of the instructional videos?

5. How easy is it to navigate the Khan Academy website?

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6. Do you find the exercises on Khan Academy challenging?

7. What devices do you use to access Khan Academy?

8. Would you recommend Khan Academy to a friend?

9. How satisfied are you with the support and resources available on Khan Academy?

10. What improvements would you like to see on Khan Academy?

11. What age group do you belong to?

12. What is your overall impression of Khan Academy?

13. How do you usually find the content you need on Khan Academy?

14. Do you use Khan Academy for personal learning, teaching, or both?

15. If you experienced any issues while using Khan Academy, please describe them.

16. Have you ever made a donation to Khan Academy?

17. Which resources, if any, have you used outside of Khan Academy?

18. How do you feel Khan Academy compares to other online learning platforms?

19. Any additional comments or suggestions?

20. Have you used Khan Academy's mobile app?

Assessing the User Experience: A Comprehensive Survey on Khan Academy

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital education, understanding user experience is paramount. As part of our ongoing commitment to improve and adapt, we have formulated the Khan Academy User Experience Survey. This survey is meticulously designed to capture a wide array of user insights and preferences.

### The Importance of User Feedback

User feedback serves as the backbone for any successful platform. Without it, we would be navigating in the dark, striving to improve without direction. The **Khan Academy User Experience Survey** is our compass, guiding us towards a more user-friendly and efficient educational platform.

### Diverse Question Types

The survey consists of multiple question types to ensure a comprehensive understanding of user needs. These include single choice, multiple choice, and open-ended questions. Each question type is structured to capture different aspects of the user experience, from general usage patterns to detailed preferences.

### Questions Focused on Usage Frequency

One of the initial questions in the survey addresses how often users engage with Khan Academy. Options range from daily to never, providing a snapshot of user loyalty and engagement. Frequent users are likely to have more nuanced insights into what works and what needs improvement.

### Subject Matter Preferences

Understanding which subjects are most popular on Khan Academy helps us allocate resources effectively. The survey asks users to select the subject they use Khan Academy for the most. This data can drive content development, ensuring that we cater to the most in-demand subjects.

### Most Helpful Features

A critical question in the survey asks users to identify the features they find most beneficial. Options include interactive exercises, instructional videos, practice tests, teacher resources, and progress tracking. By pinpointing these key features, we can focus on enhancing what users find most valuable.

### Quality of Instructional Videos

Video content is a cornerstone of the Khan Academy experience. The survey includes a question on how users rate the quality of our instructional videos. This feedback is essential for maintaining high educational standards and improving video content where necessary.

### Ease of Navigation

User experience is heavily influenced by how easily users can navigate the website. The survey assesses this by asking users to rate the ease of navigation from very easy to very difficult. This information is crucial for our web development team to optimize site architecture and usability.

### Challenge Level of Exercises

To strike the right balance in educational content, we need to understand if our exercises are appropriately challenging. The survey includes questions to gauge whether users find our exercises always, often, sometimes, rarely, or never challenging.

### Access Devices

Modern learners use various devices, and it is vital to know which ones are most popular. The survey asks users to select the devices they use to access Khan Academy, including desktop/laptop, tablet, smartphone, and others. This helps us ensure compatibility and optimize user experience across all devices.

### Recommendations and Satisfaction

Word-of-mouth recommendations are a powerful tool for growth. The survey asks users if they would recommend Khan Academy to a friend. Additionally, it gauges overall satisfaction with the support and resources available. These insights are invaluable for improving user retention and acquisition strategies.

### Open-Ended Feedback

While multiple-choice questions provide structured data, open-ended questions capture the nuances of user experience that predefined answers cannot. The survey includes several open-ended questions asking users to describe any issues they faced, suggest improvements, and share their overall impressions.

### External Resource Usage

To understand Khan Academy's position in the broader ecosystem of online learning, the survey asks users about other educational resources they use. Options include Coursera, edX, Udemy, YouTube, and others. This information helps in benchmarking and identifying potential areas for collaboration or competition.

### Comparing to Other Platforms

Lastly, the survey seeks to understand how Khan Academy compares to other online learning platforms. Users rate whether they find us much better, better, about the same, worse, or much worse. This comparative feedback is crucial for strategic planning and competitive analysis.

### Conclusion

The **Khan Academy User Experience Survey** is an essential tool in our mission to provide high-quality, accessible education to everyone. By gathering detailed and diverse user feedback, we can continuously improve and ensure that Khan Academy remains a leader in online education. Your participation in this survey helps us create a better learning environment for all.

### Take the Survey

Participate in the **Khan Academy User Experience Survey** and help us shape the future of online education. Your insights are invaluable, and your feedback makes a difference.